Sunday Worship Gatherings

Pillar on 9th  9A & 10:30A | at  the Warehouse10:00A

Growing Small

Among the values we hold as a community is to be a place where your name is known, your story is heard, and your questions are honored. A way to live that out as we continue to grow in numbers is to establish new worshipping communities in various locations, think : “one church, multiple locations, same mission.”

We call it Growing Small.

Eastertide 2024

Pillar Journal
Vol. 6 No.3

A seasonal journal produced by Pillar Church in Holland, MI to guide us through the Christian year.
Pillar Journal

Save the date for worship on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm for a Thanksgiving Eve service of scripture, song, and prayer.

Our friend and Pastoral Fellow, Ivan Akansiima will be preaching as we gather around the words of the Psalmist, “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever.”

We hope you can join us as we set aside some moments of communal prayer and reflection around God’s goodness and grace among us. 

Learn More