Adult Formation


Women's Ministries

Women’s small group study opportunities will be supplemented by all women large gatherings. These gatherings will focus on the overall vision of Formation & Mission at Pillar. Food, fellowship, keynote speakers, and sometimes worship opportunities will take place. 


All Pillar women are invited to the video/book study: “Praying with the Psalms” by Juanita Ryan as we examine nine Psalms that express strong emotions. We hope to offer childcare, please email Marjorie Mayberry if childcare would benefit you, or if you have any questions.


Wednesdays 10-11:30AM
(Beginning Jan.10)

Led By:
Marjorie Mayberry, Kathryn Christensen & Judie Childress

Book of the Bible Study -
Monday Evening

This Bible study has a 3/1 rhythm in which we spend three weeks focused in discussion around a book of the Bible and then the fourth week is a fellowship night - often with dessert and DIY crafts! Our evening time slot and easygoing approach are especially convenient for those who work full-time and/or for mothers who want a night off from managing bedtime. Our group is joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. We welcome back current members and welcome new faces. Email Sarah if you have any questions.


Mondays 7-8pm
(Beginning January 8)

Led By:
Anna Gabhart, Sarah Kornfield & Beth Lampen

Bible Study -
Monday Evening

This Bible study meets at Pillar on Monday evenings from 7-8:30pm and studies the same passages of scripture that are preached on Sunday mornings using the simple inductive method, called The Great Eight. We will consider what the Lord will teach us about living the Bible. How do we respond when life is difficult, hard and complicated? If you want to know more about Jesus and how to meet life’s challenges with grace, humility and courage you would love this study.


Mondays 7-8:30pm
(Beginning January 15)

Led By:
Nancy Brown

Bible Study -
Tuesday Morning

This study will meet on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30am and will dive deeper into Sunday’s sermon text. The Great Eight (eight questions designed to provoke thought and enrich discussion) will guide us each week. Childcare will be offered. Please email Alissa if childcare would benefit you.


Tuesdays 10-11:30am
Led By:
Alissa Shabaz

The Table

Women of all ages, let’s meet around the table this Winter at Pillar Church. Here’s a chance to meet new friends and catch up with old friends with dinner provided and a drop-in Bible Study. Come once or come as many times as you can! It is a great place to be known in an inviting casual setting. Bring your Bible and a journal. We will be using study materials by Kristi Mclelland which will be provided. These gatherings are facilitated by Valerie Spoelhof. If you have any questions or would like to bring a soup or salad, email Valerie at


Varying Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30-8pm
RSVP for the dates you plan to attend by clicking HERE.

Led By:
Valerie Spoelhof

Bible Study -
Wednesday Afternoon

This study takes place on Wednesday afternoons from 1-2:30pm at Pillar Church and studies the passages of Scripture that are preached on Sunday mornings using a simple inductive method called The Great Eight. This method considers what the Lord will teach us about living the Bible through questions such as, how do we respond when life is difficult, hard and complicated? If you want to know more about Jesus and how to meet life’s challenges with grace, humility and courage, this study is for you.


Wednesdays 1-2:30pm

Led By:
Nancy Brown

Men's Ministries

Men’s small groups are supplemented by large men’s gatherings held throughout the ministry season. These gatherings focus on the overall vision of Formation & Mission at Pillar and include food, fellowship, and keynote speakers. 

Various small groups are led at Pillar. Each group has a unique focus based on areas of expertise from leadership. 

Other Adult Formation Opportunities

Various small groups are led at Pillar. Each group has a unique focus based on areas of expertise from leadership.

Young Adult Ministries

Young Adult Ministry will relaunch in the Fall of 2024*

Young Adult Groups (ranging from 18-30ish) will focus on fostering community and relationships among other post-grad high school/college-aged young adults. Large group gatherings will supplement small groups as a means of communicating opportunities and getting connected at the beginning of each ministry season. 

Fellowship, Conversation & Connection

The intention of this small group is to create a space for formation, conversation, and deeper connection. This group will meet at Rachel’s and Rachel’s home with gatherings around Holland as well.


Thursday 6:30-7:30 pm

Organized By:
Rachel Wheeler & Rachel Oostindie

Spiritual Conversations -
For Post-High School Students

For members of the Pillar community who have found themselves in a season of sabbatical, perhaps taking a break from studies and rigid routines or maybe feeling more called to jump right into the workforce post-high school, you’re invited to participate in a Bible study with others on the same path. This group is currently using 1 Corinthians to guide discussion.



Organized By:
Jane Altevogt

Other Adult Formation Opportunities

Adult Ministry will relaunch in the Fall of 2024*

Various small groups are led at Pillar. Each group has a unique focus based on areas of expertise from leadership. 

One-on-One Conversations

One-on-one conversations are intended to be a time for people of all ages to connect with others in a more mentor-like setting. This is a safe space to bring questions about your life, faith, community, and more. If you’re looking more personal, one-on-one time over coffee or a meal, please reach out to Luis and you will be connected with one of our disciplers.


Organized By:
Luis Torres-Avila and Pillar's Pastoral Staff

Grieving Well

Finding our way after the passing of a loved one can be challenging. You may feel overwhelmed, lost, and distant from God. You are not alone. Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27

Pillar is a place where your name is known, your story of loss heard, and your questions about grief honored. We are holding hope and sadness with you. If you have lost a loved one, and feel ready to hear about ways to manage grief, honor their memory, and learn ways to care for yourself, please join us. How might God walk with you along this journey?

Stacy Hubley will facilitate. She is a Bereavement Counselor, having served both Hospice and Church communities.

Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm @Pillar

Led by:
Stacy Hubley, Bereavement Counselor

Men's Ministries

Men’s small groups will be supplemented by large men’s gatherings held throughout the ministry season. These gatherings will focus on the overall vision of Formation & Mission at Pillar and will include food, fellowship, and keynote speakers. 

Various small groups will be led at Pillar. Each group will have a unique focus based on areas of expertise from leadership. The following opportunities are available this Winter:

Men in the Word: Bible in a Year

Men, if you're like us, you've struggled over the years to develop a consistent time in God's Word. With the guidance of Tara Leigh Cobble's excellent commentary, The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible, we'll lean into God's Word together, reading the entire Bible in one year.

Our study will officially kick off in January and meet on the first and fourth Mondays of each month.

Meetings will take place at Pillar from 7:00-8:30 PM, beginning January 8. We (leaders Tim and Steve) are working through the Bible this year, and the encouragement and understanding we've gained have been transformative in our walks with Jesus. The accountability of reading through in a group was just what each of us needed to develop a consistent habit.

If you need more information, please email:

Steve at

Tim at

Date/Time:Beginning January 8
Led By:Tim McAboy and Steve Spoelhof

The Uncommon Guide to Retirement 

This group is for men finding themselves at the age of retirement and looking for purpose in their next season of calling. We will be reading “The Uncommon Guide to Retirement: Finding God’s Purpose for the Next Season of Life” by Jeff Haanen. Email Chip Seabolt at with questions.

Date/Time:6:45-7:45am, Fridays at Pillar beginning Nov. 10th. Skipping Thanksgiving
Led By:Chip Seabolt

Intentional Fatherhood

Being a father is one of the most sacred responsibilities a man can have. The vision of the group is to be a place where Pillar fathers can journey together to strengthen and hold accountability for each other, create friendships, learn from each other how to become better husbands and fathers and leave a powerful legacy for the life of our children.

Email Blaine at for more information or to sign up.

Date/Time:Begins in January and meets during the school year, once/month on varying evenings (7-9pm)Meets in Blaine’s home
Led By:Blaine Kooiker

Pit Crew

The PitCrew will be studying the life of Joseph to learn how God works wonderfully and mysteriously in our lives through the many difficulties and unexpected twists and turns we experience. After one hour of discussion using a study guide, we will then examine what 'pits' we have fallen into during our lives either in the past or in the present by taking turns telling personal stories, focusing on what happened, how we responded, and how we experienced God in the midst of 'the pit'.

Vinnie Morton:, Meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at his home.

Jason Grüssing & Skip Nagelvoort: or, Meets Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Schenkel’s home.


Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.

Begins in January

Led By:Vinnie Morton, Jason Grüssing & Skip Nagelvoort

Bible Studies- Spiritual Conversations

These 5 to 7 week groups focus on creating intentionality, vulnerability, and connection spaces. We were created for connection, which requires intentionality and is catalyzed by vulnerability. This is not meant to be your new group of best friends, but we do hope friendship is forged. We do not expect everyone to agree on all of the issues, but we hope this can be a safe place for curiosity and learning. We are not trying to force a new long-term small group, but we do hope genuine care and concern are experienced for everyone. Pillar says it’s a place where your name is known, your story is heard and your questions are honored and we’d love for this to be an opportunity where that happens.

Blair Miedema:, Meets Tuesday mornings 6-7A at Pillar, Beginning January 9.


These groups meet at different times and in varying locations:

Organized By:Blair Miedema

Third Third

Every day, there are 6,000 Baby Boomers entering the official age of “retirement.” For many of these individuals—perhaps for you---questioning about what to do in this next chapter (sometimes referred to as “the Third Third of life) can be really confusing. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Our small group will try to unpack some key domains in this stage, such as:

How do I do “family?” What career or job options could still be considered? How do I give back? How can I honor my faith in even fresher ways? What are the key behaviors I need to display?

Combined with robust discussion, you’ll put pencil-on-paper and sketch specific plans that provide a focus for your future and fresh expressions for calling.

This group is full. Email: or call (616) 405-1497 to learn more about future opportunities.

Date/Time:Wednesday, 7-8am @Pillar, runs for six weeks, Begins September 20- October 25
Organized By:Mark de Roo, a member of Pillar Church, has facilitated this program several times. He is President of Keystone Coaching & Consulting, LLC and is an adjunct instructor in “leadership” at Hope College.

Men's Ministries

Men's Ministry will relaunch in the Fall of 2024*

Men’s small groups are supplemented by large men’s gatherings held throughout the ministry season. These gatherings focus on the overall vision of Formation & Mission at Pillar and include food, fellowship, and keynote speakers. 

Various small groups are led at Pillar. Each group has a unique focus based on areas of expertise from leadership. 

Men in the Word: Bible in a Year

Men, if you're like us, you've struggled over the years to develop a consistent time in God's Word. With the guidance of Tara Leigh Cobble's excellent commentary, The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible, we'll lean into God's Word together, reading the entire Bible in one year.


Meetings will take place at Pillar on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM

Led By:
Tim McAboy and Steve Spoelhof

Intentional Fatherhood

Being a father is one of the most sacred responsibilities a man can have. The vision of the group is to be a place where Pillar fathers can journey together to strengthen and hold accountability for each other, create friendships, learn from each other how to become better husbands and fathers and leave a powerful legacy for the life of our children.


Begins in January and meets during the school year, once/month on varying evenings (7-9pm). Meets in Blaine’s home

Led By:
Blaine Kooiker

Pit Crew

The PitCrew will be studying the life of Joseph to learn how God works wonderfully and mysteriously in our lives through the many difficulties and unexpected twists and turns we experience. After one hour of discussion using a study guide, we will then examine what 'pits' we have fallen into during our lives either in the past or in the present by taking turns telling personal stories, focusing on what happened, how we responded, and how we experienced God in the midst of 'the pit'.

Led by Vinnie Morton:
Meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at his home.


Led by Jason Grüssing & Skip Nagelvoort:
Meets Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Schenkel’s home.


Bible Studies- Spiritual Conversations

These 5 to 7 week groups focus on creating intentionality, vulnerability, and connection spaces. We were created for connection, which requires intentionality and is catalyzed by vulnerability. This is not meant to be your new group of best friends, but we do hope friendship is forged. We do not expect everyone to agree on all of the issues, but we hope this can be a safe place for curiosity and learning. We are not trying to force a new long-term small group, but we do hope genuine care and concern are experienced for everyone. Pillar says it’s a place where your name is known, your story is heard and your questions are honored and we’d love for this to be an opportunity where that happens.


Meets Tuesday mornings 6-7A at Pillar,

Led By:
Blair Miedema