Pillar at the Warehouse

The Warehouse worshipping community hopes to facilitate space for conversation & connection, which happens most tangibly through greeters, communion servers, and coffee hosts. Visit our Warehouse page to learn more or get connected! Visit The Warehouse

General Interest

The Pillar community seeks to follow Christ in mission “in every sector of public life, to claim if for Christ”. Since God endows each of us with unique gifts and abilities, there are many ways we can serve in the communities around us. Pillar offers a number of volunteer opportunities within the congregation, in the greater Holland community, and even … Read More

Building & Grounds

Pillar’s historic building and grounds are carefully and intentionally cared for in each season – requiring extensive maintenance in order to maintain a space that is both beautiful and inviting to the community. Seasonal clean-up days and special capital improvement projects are regularly added to the calendar. If you have a passion for handy-type work, you would be a valued … Read More


We aspire to full-heartedly follow Christ. Pillar offers a number of enrichment opportunities for all generations to grow in faith, from Bible studies, men’s and women’s groups, Alpha and other occasional series.  If you have an interest in participating in any of these opportunities, please complete this form. VOLUNTEER FORM

Sunday Hospitality

Join us behind the scenes on Sunday mornings to welcome the community into the church as they arrive for worship. Join our team of greeters to distribute worship folders and get people connected, assist with coffee prep and service, or participate in the serving of communion. VOLUNTEER FORM

Worship Arts

Pillar is a “creative liturgical” church embracing the Reformed tradition, formed by the sacraments, creative at heart, and centered in Christ, to whom we are joined by the Holy Spirit to the saving work of God in us and the world. If you would like to join one of these teams to help us see this vision through, please use … Read More

College Ministries

Pillar College Ministries seeks to point students to Jesus Christ through Gospel-shaped relationships. We love to walk alongside and encourage college students as they discern vocation, form friendships, and grow in Christian character. Participate in the lives of college students through community wide events such as mixers, lunches, and more! VOLUNTEER FORM

Student Ministries

Pillar offers separate middle school and high school groups that provide a variety of opportunities for students to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other.. Serve as Youth Group and Faith Formation volunteers to provide lasting relationships and supportive times for deeper questions of faith and life. If you’re interested in supporting the Student Ministries Director, please … Read More

Pillar Kids

When we baptize our children, we vow together to raise them in the truth of God’s word and in the way of salvation through Jesus Christ! Serving as a teacher, an aid, or a nursery volunteers on Sunday mornings makes good on that promise. Classes are offered during the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services in the lower level classrooms! … Read More