
Generosity is a word we’d love to describe the Pillar community. We want to generously offer ourselves for whatever part our lives might play for the good of God’s kingdom, including our financial resources.

We strive to be generous in hospitality, generous in kindness, generous with our words, generous in our giving too. All, in order that, the mission of Christ might advance among us and the purposes of God might more and more be realized in our community and around the world.

Give Here


Donations (tithes) go towards the general operating budget for the mission and ministry of Pillar Church. If you would like to give, please follow the link below. This will allow you the opportunity to contribute a one time gift, weekly gift, or a monthly gift electronically. In addition, each week at Pillar there are offering boxes located near each door if placing your tithes there is more convenient for you.

Baptismal Vow Fund

For 2024-2025 Christian school applications: Pillar will support each individual with 25% of the tuition cost for each individual, with a max of $1000.

For Christian summer camp applications: Pillar will support each individual with 25% of the tuition cost for each individual.

Families are eligible for one scholarship per child per year. Fill out one form/student.

Mission Partners and Friends Offering​

Pillar supports our Partners and Friends in Mission, both locally and globally throughout the year.