Pillar Journal
- A seasonal journal produced by Pillar Church in Holland, MI to guide us through the Christian year.


Journaling is a way of praying to God and connecting with Him.

If you have never journaled before, don’t worry. There is no set formula or right way to do so. You may just want to write out some thoughts that are filling your mind; ideas you want to remember to share with others; a poem to express your thoughts to God; or write a simple prayer. Just share with God what is on your heart as if you are having coffee with a friend. There are endless options.

Here is a simple form for a journaled prayer:

Dear Father,
I praise your name. You are….
I thank you for …….

I confess before you the ways I have fallen short of your glory today. Forgive my sins. I am sorry for….

My heart is burdened by the concerns of others. I pray for….

There is much on my heart, O Lord. I am worried about…

Lord, I need wisdom and your guidance for….

Thank you for hearing my prayers.
I pray all of this in your name, Jesus, Amen.