Pillar Journal

Men’s Ministry: Pit Crew


Pit Crew with Jim Coe

The Pit Crew will be studying the lives of various men in the Bible to learn how God works wonderfully and mysteriously in our lives through the many difficulties and unexpected twists and turns we experience. After one hour of discussion using a study guide, we will then examine what ‘pits’ we have fallen in during our lives either in the past or in the present by taking turns telling personal stories, focusing on what happened, how we responded, and how we experienced God in the midst of ‘the pit’. This group, led by Jim Coe, meets at the Schenkel’s home (12 W. 16th St.) on Thursday nights. Email Jim jimcoe@fivestarlakeshore.com with questions.

Led by Jim Coe

Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm

January 16- May 29