Pillar Kids
Pillar Church Children’s Ministry seeks to raise up children in the truth of God’s word and in the way of salvation through Jesus Christ!Sunday Faith Formation
Children engage in age-appropriate worship, liturgy and Bible lessons alongside their peers and trained volunteer leaders. This is an intentional time to encounter our living God, ask questions, build relationships, and make one’s faith their own. On specific Sundays, Sacred Dance and Celebration Sundays provide additional, unique ways for children to grow in their faith.
Faith Formation Classes - 9:00am and 10:30am: Check-in begins 15 minutes before service at the Pillar Kids desk.
Family Faith Formation
As a parent, guardian or family member, you have the greatest influence on your child’s faith. We believe that Sundays are the launching point for your family to continue to grow in faith together throughout the week. To support you in this, we offer Sunday resources to help your family engage with the message, and weekly resources that build on the message throughout the week.We pray that these resources are an encouragement to you and support you in raising your children up in the truth of God’s Word and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Ultimately, remember that the simplest way to grow in faith is to pray together, read scripture together, & worship God together.FAQ
Julia Vander Veen
Children's Ministries Director
What an incredible honor to be on Staff at Pillar as the Children’s Ministries Director! Pillar is a great place to be doing something that I love with wonderful people.
From the time that I was young, I felt called to be a teacher and a missionary. I have had many unique opportunities to live into that calling over the years. Now, I am blessed to have a place at Pillar to partner with families in raising children up in the truth of God’s Word and the way of Salvation through Jesus Christ. So amazing!
There are many ways for families to grow closer to God together at Pillar. If you would like more information, or would like a listening ear, I would love to get to know you and answer questions that you might have.