Pillar Journal
- A seasonal journal produced by Pillar Church in Holland, MI to guide us through the Christian year.

Hello Message


Welcome back to this little corner of the life of Pillar Church.

Throughout you will find some explorations of our season’s theme that Pastor Jon will introduce in the following pages as well as some other words and images to help us settle into our Advent longing, waiting, and hoping.

And at its best, this journal is an interactive experience.

One invitation I’d particularly like to address is a “call for photography” for Advent. Throughout you will see a few images that attempt to capture “light amidst the darkness.” We want you to “look for light” and take a picture of it as well. It doesn’t have to be fancy or professional. It can be on a phone, a digital camera, or a disposable film camera. But if you take a picture, we’d love you to send it to us and we will find a way to put it all together. You can feel free to send photos to Trish VanDusseldorp

However you engage with the journal we pray that you will see some light as we continue to hope in Jesus together.

Jonathan Gabhart

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  1. The photography we’ve been receiving is so beautiful. It’s amazing to see the many different expressions of light in darkness through photographs!