Pillar Journal

Men’s Ministry: Men in the Word- Bible in a Year


Men in the Word- Bible in a Year

Men, if you’re like us, you’ve struggled over the years to develop a consistent time in God’s Word.  With the guidance of Tara Leigh Cobble’s excellent commentary, The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible, we’ll lean into God’s Word together, reading the entire Bible in one year.  A study began in January and quickly approaching the NT – a great time to jump in! 

Meetings will take place at Pillar from 7:00-8:30 PM. Join us (and bring a friend) as we work through the Bible this year, gaining encouragement and understanding which can be transformative in our walks with Jesus. 

Small Recap shepherding teams are being formed as we wrap up the first year of this study and move into a second. If you are interested in being a part of this important ministry, please reach out.

Led by Steve Spoelhof
Meets the 4th Monday of each month

Contact Steve

Steve Spoelhof - Adult Class (#37)